Live better, live now.

I am often asked about my guiding principles of my practice— here are elements of my philosophy.

The longest journey you will ever take is the eighteen inches from your head to your heart.
— Thích Nhất Hạnh
Psychotherapy is a process by which ‘the ghosts which haunt us are laid to rest, to become our ancestors.’
— Hans Loewald

A thorough, integrated, and holistic approach to healing and wellness should address the mind and body as a whole. The mind and body are deeply interconnected. Stress accounts for up to 90 percent of visits to the doctor. It's estimated that 90 percent of serotonin in your body is made in your gut. So it makes sense that in order to treat stress and anxiety, we need to consider both mind and body and lifestyle options like nutrition, physical exercise, and evidence-based botanical and herbal supplements.

Self-compassion has enormous healing power. Self-criticism and negative thinking cause downward spirals. A little self-compassion can go a long way and lead to more positive thinking and experiences, a phenomenon scientists call "upward spirals" of thinking. Therapy is an example of a place where you can learn to approach yourself with kindness and patience and catch yourself from falling into a downward spiral.

Intergenerational trauma and cultural upbringing shape the self. Early childhood and generations of family experiences— including the experiences of earlier generations— can be passed down to and deeply impact the self, identity, and family dynamics. Whether through epigenetic changes or the presence or absence of talking about beliefs and traditions, the trauma of previous generations can deeply impact your life and identity.

Awareness catalyzes positive action. Mindfulness develops your ability to be attentive and aware without judgment. It expands your ability to deal with challenging situations and take action in a thoughtful manner.

Self-empowerment and agency are key to reaching your full potential. We will aim to nurture self-empowerment and inner strength to fulfill your vision of the future. Self-confidence, self-esteem, and envisioning are important components to catalyze and improve both your personal and professional life.

Therapies, including modalities of psychotherapy, nutritional supplements, yoga, and mindfulness, need to be tailored to the individual.
Every person is unique, so there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach. We work together to figure out a path that is right for your schedule, your preferences, and your experience.

It's just as important to focus on your strengths as well as the areas that you'd like to improve. Traditional medicine often focuses on things that are going wrong. But it is essential to identify and recognize your strengths, so that you can move forward and envision the life you want to live.

My philosophy is to give you the most effective psychotherapy and tools to be resilient and fulfill your potential long-term. When you learn tools and skills in therapy, you gain the power to stop harmful impact of chronic stress. These skills give you the ability to be free from symptoms of stress, anxiety, or depression for longer and make room to envision and build your future.